Monday, July 13, 2015


Windswept  4.75 x 6.75, oil on wood

I've been busy in my studio prepping canvases and panels to paint. I spent time yesterday gessoing, and today I primed with a thinned ground of salmon pink... I tend to use a warm color as my ground, but this may be the first time I have used such a pink hue. We'll have to wait and see what the results will be. This is the only finished piece I have to show for today. While Ruth was napping and the boys were keeping busy I escaped into my studio space to paint. Now, as Ruth snoozes on the sofa waiting for us to take her up to bed, I thought I'd get a blog post up about it. I've had a renewed surge and desire to paint paint paint. It feels really good.

With this small piece I debated about the subdued tones and slight lack of contrast, but in the end the overexposed image won out. It reminds me of a view of a northern European beach somewhere in the heat of the day. Or perhaps a washed out farm field... But ultimately I was satisfied with the lines and the way they draw the viewer further and further back into the landscape. like the wind might sweep you in, too. It's a small piece, so I hope it will find its way into just the right little spot.

Now, off to convince my husband to give up on swatting any more flies in our kitchen and coming to bed! Good night!

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