Tuesday, August 4, 2015

dusk on market

Dusk on Market, 24 x 24.5, oil on masonite

This painting is a bit more polished as a finished painting than is typical. It's always interesting to look at a painting several days after it's deemed complete. I often see elements that I didn't even know were there, which can be a pleasant surprise. I am a bit on the fence with this painting, but I spent my allotted time on it, so I'm saying it is finished. The smoother finish makes me feel nervous to put it out there, since it feels a bit different than some of my recent work, but there are enough highlights in this painting that make it feel right. It's difficult to capture the textures and color nuances with a camera, but I hope I have been able to convey the mood of this piece with these photos. I usually photograph my paintings in the early morning light as it feels the freshest and most unfiltered. I think my favorite parts of this painting are definitely the light holes in the two tall trees to the left, as well as the hazy sunlight bouncing off their tops. The other favorite part is the thick patches of pale creamy green near the horizon...mmm. After finishing the sky I questioned whether it was truly right. I left it until the next morning, and when I walked in the next day I knew it was right. I hope something in this painting will speak to someone else, too!


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