Monday, June 22, 2015

there's hope for me yet

 Down In The Valley, 20 x 30, oil

In our time back home, in all our adjusting to this new world of three children I have found very little time at the easel. That's okay with me. There is so much love to soak up and give out right now, and we all are requiring a little more tender loving care at this point. So, I'm doing my best to be gentle with myself and give myself time to sit still, rock and bounce our tiny baby girl, feed my two lively boys, do some laundry and dishes without tears, and get the mail at the end of the day. Sometimes that's all that happens in a day. But there are those glorious moments when I can sneak out to weed the garden, cut out fabric for a new little baby outfit to sew up, read a bit of a book, play Kerplunk with the boys, or paint for 30 minutes. In those moments I catch glimpses of how our lives will evolve over time. This time is very precious. We are learning about Ruth, getting to know her ups and downs, going through them with her, and learning more about each other in the process. It's been wonderful so far. We are a month in and are anticipating each new day ahead.

With that being said, I've completed two larger paintings. I'm so happy to show these here and hope you will enjoy them, as well. Now, off to eat a sandwich for myself before the baby feeding frenzy begins again....

I Can Breathe Out Here, 18 x 24, oil

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